
Cogram is a powerful AI assistant that helps teams document the outcomes of meetings or sales calls. Think of it as an automated assistant that sits and takes notes and determines outcomes based on the calls that you or your team is having. Cogram is more designed for the enterprise team than the individual contributor.


Here’s what we like about Cogram:

  1. Platform agnostic: Offers its features on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and more. This is really great for most enterprise customers as they’re going to use some mix and combination of these tools.
  2. Email platform agnostic: Once again, offers its features on Outlook and Google (or Gmail for Business). Great for most enterprise customers.


Here’s what we don’t like about Cogram:

  1. Still a lot about note taking: Like most of these types of assistants on the market, it’s not going to try and simplify things as much as someone may need. And it can get hard to start tracking these notes when created by AI assistant.


  • No free trial available.
  • Have to contact their sales team for pricing.

Questions and answers:

Here is a breakdown of common questions about Cogram and answers from our review team.

Common questionAnswer
Does Cogram work for project managers?Yes. For project managers, Cogram is a great option as it constantly is trying to transcribe meeting notes into essential outcomes.
