12 Common Passenger Habits That Annoys A TSA Agent

TSA agents face daily challenges that go beyond just screening bags and passengers. Improperly packed items or travelers who are not prepared for security checks, slow down the line and create frustration. Small oversights like these can lead to longer wait times and a more stressful experience for both travelers and agents. Disorganized Documents Passengers […]
11 Things You Should Never Store on Your Work Computer (Unless You Enjoy Trouble)

With working remotely or bringing work home becoming common, most people double up their work computer as their personal computer. Switching between work and personal computers is a bit of a hassle. No cardinal rule says you can’t use your work computer for personal things. What could be the harm in storing your tax records, […]
Here Is Everything You’ll Love About Android 16

Android lovers are excited since Google shared a sneak peek into what Android 16 will bring. Google has given limited app developers access to Android 16 to test the new features before launch. The early version, ‘Developer Preview,’ aims to help Google identify potential flaws, facilitating timely fixes before their big launch. This means users […]