10 Top Self-Driving Car Companies to Know (That’s Not Tesla)

Self-driving cars are gradually creating their niche in the U.S. automobile market despite apprehensions among Americans about riding in them. According to estimates, the sale of autonomous light vehicles is likely to reach 230,000 units in 2034. An increasing number of automobile manufacturers are investing heavily in this AI-driven technology. Here is a round-up of […]
11 Times TV and Movies Got AI Surprisingly Right

AI has long been a favorite subject with filmmakers. Much of it has also got to do with the fact that filmmakers can let their imagination run wild and get a free hand with their creativity. Many on screen portrayals of AI have similar far-fetched tropes like machines or robots taking over humanity look far-fetched […]
5 Reasons Why AI Could Save Us and 5 It Can Ruin Everything

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the world affecting nearly every industry, field, and aspect of human life. This leads to divided opinions. While some people believe AI will solve humanity’s worst challenges, some on the other hand are of the opinion that AI would do more harm than good. Whether AI is humanity’s best or worst […]