12 AI Overhypes in Movies You Shouldn’t Believe

Movies are made to entertain, however real AI isn’t entertaining. AI consists of math, algorithms, and data processing, which can be mundane and boring. To make movies interesting and riveting for the audience and to keep the cash registers ringing, filmmakers exaggerate the reality and distort the truth for dramatic effect. Read on to learn […]

12 AI Scams That Trick Even the Most Intelligent People

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing our world positively, but there are growing concerns about AI being used to dupe people. According to a survey, 69% of people believe that criminals are more advanced at using AI to carry out financial fraud than banks are at using AI to prevent fraud. This article lists 12 common […]

12 Epic AI Fails That Shocked the World

It’s been almost 2 years since ChatGPT was first released in November 2022. This conversational AI chatbot was a massive hit and was accompanied by several other AI product/tool launches in the following years. While AI is positively transforming various industries and processes, it is also responsible for scams and disasters. Let’s explore 12 famous […]