12 Trends That Could Shape the World by 2030

AI has amazed people since its launch, and its rapid advancements are building this momentum. While no one can confidently say what the future holds for this advanced technology, some bold predictions are making rounds.

Let’s explore 12 AI predictions for 2030 that can blow your mind.  

Robots Doing Complex Surgeries

Image Credits: PhonlamaiPhoto’s Images via Canva.com

The thought of robots doing human surgeries can appear both exciting and concerning. While some people may feel uncomfortable with a machine operating on them, it will become more common and acceptable by 2030.

According to a report, the market for robot-assisted surgery is expected to reach $25.47 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 15.4%. Surgical robots can be used for various surgeries, including orthopedic, cardiovascular, urology, and other general surgeries. 

Robots Achieving Human Levels of Intelligence

Image Credits: Kittipong Jirasukhanont from PhonlamaiPhoto’s Image via canva.com

Regardless of the AI models people use, none come close to human intelligence. They all operate based on patterns, trained data, and complex algorithms, but never out of their own intelligence. It is set to change around 2030.

According to Ray Kurzweil, a former Google engineer, AI can achieve human levels of intelligence in 2029 as future experiments will challenge computers to think like humans.

AI Performing Better Diagnoses than Doctors

Image Credits: Kittipong Jirasukhanont from Phonlamai Photo’s Images via Canva.com

AI has transformed much of the healthcare system’s processes and will continue doing so in the coming years. Tools like GPT-4 are already making better diagnoses and clinical reasoning than many doctors, sparking curiosity about the future of healthcare.

While AI will not replace doctors in 2030, it will assist them in making faster and more accurate diagnoses through predictive analysis. You can expect AI to become an integral part of healthcare systems, like doctors, nurses, and other staff.   

Faster Drug Discovery & Development

Image Credits: freedomz via Canva.com

The need for novel drug therapies is pushing pharmaceuticals to use AI for faster drug discovery, and it is starting to generate good results. Advanced AI technology, like deep learning and machine learning, is being applied at various stages of drug discoveries, like initial compound screening, predicting success rates, preclinical testing, drug optimization, etc.

Using AI-driven insights, companies were able to submit 100+ drug and biological applications to FDA in 2023 alone. If this rapid pace of AI implementation continues, you can expect AI to facilitate faster creation and deployment of life-saving drugs in 2030.

Humans Losing Jobs to AI

Image Credits: Vlada Karpovich from Pexels Via Canva.com

While AI is helping transform business processes across industries, it is also posing a significant threat to human workers. A Goldman Sachs report indicated that AI could replace 300 million full-time jobs.

White-collar professionals earning up to $80,000 per annum are the most likely to get replaced by AI-driven automation. By 2030, nearly 14% of the global workforce is expected to change careers because of job losses caused by automation, robotics, and other AI advancements. 

Blurring the Line between Reel and Real

Image Credits:  Kittipong Jirasukhanont from PhonlamaiPhoto’s Images via Canva.com

McKinsey experts predict that AI will change the entire landscape of video entertainment. They believe that in 2030, what we watch, how we watch, and where we watch video content will be significantly different from today.

Videos in 2030 will provide sensory experiences. For instance, if you watch an explosion scene in a movie, augmented reality and AI-powered haptics will ensure you ‘feel’ the explosion force or even the wind on your face.   

Taking Over Film Production

Image Credits: Maya Holt from corelens via Canva.com

The entire film production process requires a significant amount of skilled artists, investment, and other resources. However, AI may eliminate the need for most of them in the coming years. Jeffrey Katzenberg, DreamWork’s co-founder, stirred an online debate after predicting that AI will cut 90% of the costs associated with animated film production.

According to GlobalData, AI may take over most elements of film production in 2030. It can even reach a place where an entire movie can be created without any cast, crew, or script.

Autonomous Vehicles will Dominate Roads

Image Credits: Kittipong Jirasukhanont from PhonlamaiPhoto’s Images via Canva.com

In the coming years, autonomous vehicles won’t be limited to sci-fi movies but will become a part of your everyday reality.

According to a McKinsey report, L4 robotaxis are expected to become commercially available by 2030. This deployment will be at a large scale, so you can expect these vehicles to dominate roads near your house, workplace, etc. Fully autonomous trucking is also expected to reach its final viability around 2030, significantly impacting the trucking landscape.

Humanoid Robots Becoming a Reality

Image Credits:  Kittipong Jirasukhanont from PhonlamaiPhoto’s Images via Canva.com

AI is one of the fastest technologies that have received widespread adoption in all global countries. However, the adoption is limited to generative AI tools like chatbots, virtual personal assistants, etc. It can change by 2030.

Goldman Sachs predicts that humanoid robots will become economically viable in consumer applications from 2030 to 2035. The timeline is faster for humanoid robots in factory settings, estimated at around 2025 to 2028. Humanoid robots can fill the labor gap, especially in the area of elderly caregiving.

Rise of Biologically Immortal Humans

Image Credits: halfpoint via canva.com

A Venezuelan futurist, Jose Luis Cordeiro, predicts AI will help humans achieve biological immortality in 2030. He makes this prediction by referring to the ‘Longevity Escape Velocity’ concept.

This concept talks about the theoretical point where technology will become advanced enough to increase an individual’s lifespan at a faster rate than they age. He even co-authored a book titled ‘The Death of Death,’ which covers this topic in detail.

AI-Managed Smart Cities

Image Credits: View more by PhonlamaiPhoto’s Images via Canva.com

AI is all set to manage smart cities where everything from streets to vehicles to buildings is connected via smart sensors that send real-time data to a central data lake. This data is analyzed by AI to ensure all citizens are safe and happy.

By 2030, you can expect individuals, organizations, and homes in leading global cities to get connected via wireless services to run smooth AI-powered smart cities.    

Precision Medicine Becoming Mainstream

Image Credits: A and N Photography, Via Canva.com

Precision medicine is set to become a crucial part of healthcare systems by 2030. Healthcare professionals will increasingly use AI to analyze massive volumes of healthcare data and find patterns that suggest the most effective treatment for individual patients.

It will lead to faster recovery, improving peoples’ overall well-being and quality of life. You can also expect precision medicine to aid various clinical and research applications, transforming the medical world in several ways.  
